Wednesday, October 14, 2009


every week i add a new recipe to my limited repertoire, as an attempt to expose coco to new flavors and ingredients, especially vegetables other than peas, tomatoes, corn, and the occasional carrot. last week, i made this zucchini lasagna (, which, of course, coco didn't even touch. can't blame me for trying.
when i make lasagna of any sort, i usually miscalculate the noodles, even though i use the super easy non-boil kind. foodies, say what you will, but cooking anything more elaborate than a quesadilla around a toddler is a feat. i just say, good thing these lasagnas aren't buildings.
in this occasion, i had to use my creativity to make up for missing sheets by summoning the pasta-shattering powers of antoni gaudí. with my yucatecan salt and pepper shakers looking on, i put together this masterpiece, that was later covered up by a sticky ricotta and cream cheese mixture and, by absorbing moisture from other ingredients, expanded in my toaster-oven, hiding its cracks forever.
by the way, coco didn't touch it because it had zucchini and because she didn't believe the white stuff was cheese, but it really did turn out delicious.


  1. I'm impressed. Regardless if Coco touched it or not. I would never know what to substitute what with what.

  2. actually, i didn't substitute anything. i wouldn't know how to do that, either. all i really did was break the pasta up so it would cover the whole surface (i was missing two lasagna sheets). it's a good recipe, if you want to try it!
