panzón and i got married in oaxaca, which is the capital of the state of oaxaca in mexico.
we first travelled there with our fellow architecture students and a couple of teachers on a private bus from guadalajara, armed with snacks, (hidden) beer and excitement. by the time we got there, eighteen hours later, we all looked (and probably smelled) terrible and a streak of fluorescent orange vomit decorated the side of the bus.
we quickly recovered after eating tlayudas, which are actually like really big tostadas, even though some people refer to them as mexican pizzas, under the giant laurel trees of oaxaca's main square (it's heart!), el zócalo. we walked around the city's colonial center and visited the 16th century convent-turned-hotel camino real (http://tr.im/yHy1), where i had a vision: this is where i am getting married to him *turned around and looked at panzón, who was oblivious to my vision*.
that night, we all went to la casa del mezcal, a true cantina, where you can taste different kinds of mezcal (worm or worm-less), which is similar to tequila. we ordered round after round of caballitos (shot glasses), each sip preceded by a ¡salud! and followed by a bite of orange or lime. five rounds later, i proudly declared myself reina del mezcal, or "mezcal queen", when i realized i was the only female left. my glory was crushed, as our friend kbuz, short for "caboose", walked in and mercilessly took my title by ordering six caballitos for herself. we crawled out of that cantina, at the innocent hour of nine o'clock, like arañas fumigadas, which literally translates to "fumigated spiders".
that night, we all sang wah-hah-kah. it turns out that the bus decoration was but a sign of what was to come.
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