my intention was to wait a little longer before speaking of bingo, but i cannot resist, not after what i have just witnessed. panzón, who, by the way, is not at all big-bellied, just has an adorable slightly protruding round abdomen, and i left coco in the care of her loving grandparents and went to a movie.
picking a good movie is essential when you visit the movie theatre maybe once a month. we would have seen district 9, except that it was too big a risk, given the fact that i'm not exactly a sci-fi connaisseuse (i have not even seen star wars). anyway, we both effortlessly agreed on quentin tarantino's inglourious basterds (http://tr.im/xoVv), having loved pulp fiction and both kill bills.
the highlight of the movie, for me personally, was when my favorite character, colonel hans landa, who speaks in french, german, english and italian (brilliant!) in the film, shouts "it's a bingo!". let me just say that it is a glourious time in the history of bingo and i am as proud as ever to be a part of it. *eyes welling up*
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